Outreach in a Box
Welcome to a simple, step-by-step guide to running a literature outreach at your home church. To purchase the "Outreach in a Box" kit that accompanies this guide[1], please contact the Michigan Literature Ministries Department here.
NOTE: If you purchased Outreach in a Box, you likely already have church approval. If so, skip straight to Step 2.
Step 1: Get your church on board
Meet with your pastor (and, if necessary, your church board) to present the outreach project and request approval. Here are some key things to mention while sharing about this project with your pastor/church board:
Outreach Goal:
Place Adventist literature in every home in your territory. As a bonus, the outreach will promote upcoming church events and training participants to share literature with friends and acquaintances.
Outreach Description:
Participants will assemble literature packets, receive training on how to share literature door-to-door (or in other ways, as applicable). Once prepared, they will spend 1-3 hours knocking doors in an assigned territory, leaving literature with every home.
Approvals Needed:
- Date for event. (If you’re participating in Pathfinder Literature Impact or Literature Impact Day, make sure your event is held on the conference-wide event date.)
- Church flyers to promote during outreach (e.g. an upcoming cooking class, etc.)
- If church does not have sharing books available: Approval to purchase Outreach in a Box kits. (Each box = materials for 90 homes).[1]
- If church has sharing books available: Access to church literature to distribute[2]
Template church board proposal: Coming soon
Step 2: Promote the outreach
Here are some effective ways to promote your upcoming outreach:
- Make the effort to personally invite as many members as possible. Direct invitations are far more effective than general announcements.
- Request a short announcement slot every Sabbath to promote the outreach and encourage members to participate.
- Create a simple promotional flyer (or use our template) to add as a bulletin insert (with the church’s permission)
- On the Sabbath prior to the outreach, remind members to bring a change of clothes/walking shoes, so they are prepared for outreach.
Promotional flyer template: Coming soon
Participant sign-up sheet: Coming soon
Step 3: Prepare maps and materials
Where to Get Territory Maps:
Through our partnership with Streams of Light International, we have pre-made door-to-door maps for every church in Michigan. Access the maps here.
When planning territory, aim to complete entire maps instead of small sections of multiple maps. Once you’ve completed an entire map, you can mark it complete on our live Michigan-wide territory map!
How to Assemble Materials:
Slide one sharing book into each door-hanger bag, then add 1-2 church flyers and 1-2 GLOW tracts. If assembling a larger quantity, divide the various tasks (e.g. inserting the GLOW) between team members to speed up the process.
Need a visual demo? Video demo coming soon.
Step 4: Run your outreach
Suggested Schedule:
- 1:00 – 1:45 PM Lunch. We suggest that churches have potluck on outreach days to save time. (45min)
- 1:45 – 2:45 PM Training and distribution of teams (1hr)
- 3:00 – 6:00 PM Outreach (3hr)
- 6:00 – 6:45 PM Testimony time (45min)
Key Points to Cover in Training:
- How to approach a door
- How to share the Great Controversy/Thrive Magazine
- How to offer prayer and Bible studies
- Have everyone divide into teams (see below)
- Ensure all teams have maps and sharing materials
- Ensure everyone knows what time to be back for testimonies
Notes and PowerPoint presentations on each of these topics are available in the Streams of Light Church Training Resources.
Tips for Handling Territory Logistics:
- Ask participants with vehicles to fill their vehicles with as many pairs as they can, to ensure those without vehicles can participate.
- Ensure all minors are accompanied in the field by an adult their parents trust
- Assign someone to take photos and records testimonies during the outreach so you can share them later
Step 5: Report your results
Thank Participants for Coming:
Once you’ve completed your outreach, make sure to pray with all participants and thank them for participating. Ask them for any testimonies and stories from their experience!
Report Territory Completed:
If you completed any maps, make sure to mark them as complete so we can update the live Michigan-wide territory map.
Share Photos and Stories:
If you have photos and/or stories you’d like to share, please email them to youthrush@misda.org. We’d love to feature them in our project newsletter (sign up here)!
[1] Outreach in a Box kits cost $60/box, but Pathfinder clubs receive a special 2/3 discount. Each contains 90 sharing books, 200 GLOW, and 100 door bags. To purchase, call the Literature Ministries Department at (517) 316-1515.
[2] If you have sharing books, but no GLOW or door hanger bags, you can purchase GLOW here and door bags via Amazon or Uline (links coming soon).